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What To Do If Your Cat's Tail Gets Shut In A Door

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Cats' tails are one of their most pleasing features, but they can also get cats into a lot of trouble. A swishing tail can potentially get caught in things that it shouldn't, including house or car doors. If your cat's tail has been recently caught in a door or you want to know what to do in case it ever happens, this guide can help.

Plan To Open the Door

Obviously, if your cat's tail has been caught in a door, you need to open the door. However, you should make sure to be prepared prior to doing so. Your cat will most likely attempt to flee due to the pain it's experiencing, and your cat may hide while it's experiencing pain, preventing you from seeking medical aid.

Either you or a second person should secure the cat around the mid-section to make sure that the cat can't escape once the door is opened. Keep in mind that the cat may be violent or lash out, so be mindful and careful to avoid getting scratched.

Once the door is opened, get your cat indoors (if it isn't already) and proceed to the next step.

Examine the Tail

You should visually examine your cat's tail right away. Is it puffed up, visibly swollen, or hanging over to the side? These signs may indicate that your cat's tail is broken. Since the spine extends into a cat's tail, a broken tail can be a serious problem that will require medical attention right away. Failing to seek a vet's help could worsen the break and cause the cat to become partially paralyzed or result in permanent incontinence.

If your cat's tail seems to be standing up and moving as normal, it may not be broken. However, you should still plan to see a vet. The injury may swell, which could cut off blood flow to the rest of the tail. This will not only be painful for your cat, but in extreme circumstances, could cause the end of the tail to die.

Seeing a Vet

Your veterinarian will perform a thorough examination of your cat's tail, both visually and physically. They'll most likely palpate the area to try and detect a break, and they may perform an x-ray if they suspect that there is bone damage.

If your cat's tail is broken, a cast may be necessary. Hospitalization may also be required in order to make sure that your cat's tail heals the way that it should.

If the tail isn't broken, your vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to help bring down the swelling in the end of the tail. Antibiotics will also be provided if there is any tissue damage to the tail.

If this has never happened to your cat, take precautions to make sure that it never does. While it may seem mean, if your cat is friendly while you're coming and going from doors, feel free to push your kitty out of the way while you shut the door. You should also always shut doors around your cat gently so that if a tail is caught, it will only be pinched, rather than completely shut into the closed door.

For additional information, contact a veterinarian at a location such as Bay Street Pet Suite Hotel & Day Spa.
